30 September 2007


I have been struggling between the options of direct latching Denz or solely expressing my breast milk out. After giving much consideration, I have decided to pump out instead of latching Denz on. My gynae of course disagree with me but after Wenz' episode, I was rather afraid of the consequences. During Wenz' time, I was so determined to latch her on and she was drinking well but when it comes to the point feeding her breast milk in bottle, she rejected. Everyone in the house has a hard time getting her to drink since then and she even went on hunger strike. Moreover, I'm a failure whenever comes to latching.

Now after expressing out, anyone in the house can juz feed Denz and I won't have the worry to train him using bottle when it's time to return to work in 3 months time. Hubby also gets involve and enjoy feeding him. On the other hand, Wenz also can drink some to get extra immunity. I find that this is the best option. :)

I realise I dun have as much determination as 1st time especially during my 1st week whereby I experienced blocked ducts and my nipples and aerola were super painful loh. However after one week of hard work clearing milk ducts cum establishing milk supply day & night, I achieve at least 120ml per pump and I have an excess of 14oz of milk sitting in the fridge right now.

Now my supply surplus the demand and I even mix some into Wenz' milk. Luckily she couldn't tell the difference and drank everything. My storage bottles also running out, think I gotto get some more bottles when I go out for my gynae's apptm tmr.

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