25 September 2007

A Changed Person

My hubby has become a changed person after Denzel is out. Of course is a change for the BETTER. He is more hands-on looking after the 2 kids now. As he took half month's leave to accompany me during my confinement, he volunteered to take over the 'night shift' duty of feeding Denz. He send Wenz to school in the day and bring her down for play session. He's trying his very best to keep Wenz company so as not to let her feel neglected. One thing that does not change from between 1st confinement and now is he's running to and fro topping up things in the house when there is a shortfall. Whatever it is I am happy with his new change. I can see him taking up new roles and getting more involved.

On the other hand, I am so busy establishing milk supply. OMG I have blocked milk ducts when I got home. *sigh* I can only blame on my laziness as I dun wanna breastfeed in the hospital so I gotto work triple hard to get the ducts unclogged. Pumping at least 8X a day really tires me out. I manage to get 120ml of milk after few days of hard work. Well, shall see how long can I hold to sustain the determination to breastfeed this time round.

I only feel guilty towards Wenz as she yearns for me to carry her, play with her and bring her out but I can achieve so little with my recuperating body. She can sense a change in the house and has not been very obedient at home. She even went of hunger strikes, rejecting her usual food totally. The moment she sees didi drinks milk, she also says she wants milk. Some of her actions is a tell-tale signs of jealousy and everyone in the house is handling it tactfully so as not to hurt her. I hope this phase will get over soon.


  1. Glad to hear your hubby is helping out. With two kids, every little help means a lot.

  2. Ya....really is of a good help esp when i neeed to express out the milk.


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