19 January 2008

Missy Little Notes

It has been some time since I blog about Wenz. Wenz' school term will start in about 2 weeks time. As I have seen so many toddlers of her age already toilet-trained, I'm determined to train her since new arrangement will take effect from Monday onwards. She will stay at home while Denz going over to my in-law's place.

I make it a point to let her go diaper-less from today onwards with the exception during nap and sleep time. I reminded my mum not to be too soft-hearted if she plead to have her diaper on. True enuf, mum almost wanted to let her have her way till I stopped her. Sometimes to accomplish something, we juz need to be firm. Wenz has finally overcome her fear towards potty. Hopefully she will be fully toilet-trained soon.

She has been given a nick by father-in-law ever since she went over for her daycare few months back. Guess what izit? She is called "A Bird" cos she is talking NON-STOP once her eyes are open. Though she gets on my in-law's nerves at most time, they do miss this little bird cos their house gets really quiet when she isn't there.

I noticed she loves to sing recently. She will sing all sort of songs from commercial ads to Channel 8 drama soundtracks. Her current fave is the 9pm Chinese drama titled "The Golden Path" theme song, followed by Jocie Kwok's songs played over the TV.

Her vocab power has definitely increased and she is getting more and more expressive. She knows how to communicate her needs, wants, likes and dislikes. However, some discipline is still needed to fine-tune her missy or terrible-2 tantrums.

My only hope for her is to be more caring for di-di. She is taking it very well already but I'm greedy, juz hopeful she can be more loving towards Denz.

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